Wgmc Brace for aging Aboriginals, census warns
This translation is part of a new initiative to provide content to our Chinese readers. You can find the English version, written by reporter Dina Al-Shibeeb here.绱勫厠鍗€澶╀富鏁欏鏍″眬姝h鏌ワ紝涓€鍚嶅畻鏁欒€佸斧琚寚鍚戝鐢熻伈绋卞湪瀵勫瀛告牎姝诲幓鐨勪汉銆屽凡缍撶梾寰楀儚姊濈嫍銆嶃€傛湁闂滆█璜栧湪9鏈?8鏃ョ櫦鐢燂紝鍓涘ソ鏄鍊嬨€屽叏鍦嬬湡鐩歌垏鍜岃В鏃ャ€嶄箣鍓嶅叐澶┿€? ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW 鍏溇鐛叉倝
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ISSUEHow, as head of council, do you plan to tackle the truth and reconciliation calls to action if elected BACKGROUND ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW The Association of Municipalities of Ontario recently published a guide for municipal leaders, based in part on calls to action from Canada 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission.Reconciliation starts by looking for the truth, said Wendy Landry, chair of AMOs Indigenous Relations Task Force and mayor of the Municipality of Shuniah, which is near Thunder Bay. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW Starting the conversation, land acknowledgments at the beginning of council mee
stanley website tings, meaningful, respectful relationship building 鈥?those are the kinds of ways that municipalities can quite easily begin their work toward reconciliation, she said.In Was
stanley cups aga Beach, council 鈥?as committee of the whole 鈥?approved a land acknowledge
stanley cup ment statement that mirrors the statement developed by Clearview Township in 2021. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW The land acknowledgement recognizes all Indigenous groups 鈥?First Nations, M茅tis, and Inuit 鈥?as traditional stewards and caretakers of the land, and acknowledges the community is located within the boundaries of Treaty 18, also known as the Lake Simcoe-Nottawasaga Treaty. ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW At this time of tr