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Hvqk The regional government shows the region to film location managers
The Ministry of Health of Castilla-La Mancha, adidas samba sale through the Provincial Health Delegation in Guadalajara, new balance rosa has decreed level 3 measures in the city of Guadalajara in order to stop the expansion of the SARS-CoV-2. In epidemiological week 12, stanley which runs from March 22 to 28, 2021, campus adidas schuhe in Guadalajara, 173 cases of Covid-19 were declared to the Castilla-La Mancha Epidemiological Surveillance System, adidas campus wei脽 which represents a weekly incidence rate of 197.75 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In epidemiological week number 13, which runs from March 29 to April 4, 2021, a total of 153 cases of Covid-19 have been declared in Guadalajara, with a weekly incidence rate of 174.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Thus, during the aforementioned epidemiological weeks, a total of 326 cases of Covid-19 have been reported in Guadalajara capital, with a rate ofcumulative incidence in 14 days of 372.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The rate ratio between weeks 12 and 13 is 0.78, which indicates a downward trend in a context of high incidence. These indicators indicate that Guadalajara is in a situation of community transmission with a high risk level, which makes it necessary to apply in the municipality, for a period of ten days, the level 3 measures included in instruction 10/2021 of the Directorate General of Public Health, and may be extended depending on how the epidemiological situation evolves. Level 3 measures: Retirement homes and collective centers of recreational and cultural societies are being closed. Likewise, the interior spaces of bars, restaurants and other hospitality establishments are closed for public service. Outdoor spaces and restaurants will reduce their capacity to 50 percent of the maximum number of tables that they had previously established with distance.nce of at least two meters between the chairs of different tables, maintaining at all times the rest of the established measures regarding...


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Aqxi Garc铆a-Page highlights that the wine sector, generating 3,000 jobs in the region
The Minister of Finance and Public Administration of the Government of Castilla-la Mancha, new balance 480 Juan Alfonso Ruiz Molina, adidas velosamba has participated today in the Sectoral Conference for National Security Affairs, stanley-cup where has opted for collaboration between different administrations to face national security challenges. During the meeting, adidas campus verte which took place by videoconference and was chaired by the Minister of the Presidency, adidas samba vegan Relations with the Cortes and Democratic Memory, F茅lix Bola帽os, the importance of co-participation was highlighted. and co-responsibility of the different administrations in this matter. During the course of the meeting, issues such as the preparation of the preliminary draft Law to modify Law 36/2015, of September 28, on National Security, were discussed. Specifically, the section relating to the eestablishment of a strategic reserve based on national industrial production capacities that, in an adaptable and scalable manner, ensures production that allows public administrations to comply with the obligations established in this standard. The purpose of this reserve is to facilitate the production of resources, goods and technologies that allow us to mitigate foreign dependence on those resources of primary necessity or of a strategic nature, in order to maintain the effectiveness of the National Security System and protect freedom, rights and well-being of citizens. The organization, composition and operation of this reserve and the Center for Coordination and Promotion of the Strategic Industry will be regulated by a Royal Decree approved by the Council of Ministers, which will contemplate the participation of the regional authorities in its activities. Special communications network of the Presidency of the Government Another matter of interest addressed during themeeting has been the development of the National Security System and its extension to the autonomous communities and autonomous cities of...


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alzt The Cycling Tour will end in Cibeles
« Réponse #32 le: Mars 29, 2024, 08:34:05 pm »
Tqtr The Citizen Security Law is an advance for coexistence and reinforces our
The mayor of Madrid has inaugurated today the first open-air library in Madrid, nike sb dunk located in the Plaza de Col贸nThe mayor of Madrid, nike jordan damen Ana Botella, yeezy has inaugurated today Hormigas 2013, dunk nike low an initiative of the Nebrija University to support high school and 4th year ESO pre-university students in preparing for their final exams. In its fourth edition Hormigas has moved to the Plaza de Col贸n, asics converted into an open-air library until next Sunday, May 12. Young people can participate in workshops in English, Mathematics, Art and Creative Literature, in addition to learning decision making, motivation and debate and public speaking techniques. Specialized faculty will advise students and resolve their doubts. As in previous editions, the Col贸n library will have a rest area, with access to bibliographic resourcess virtual to consult all the information that may be useful to students in their study, and music. Admission is free and the hours are Monday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Nebrija University pays tribute with Hormigas to all those students who, as in the fable of the ant and the grasshopper, know that effort, perseverance, teamwork and the spirit of collaboration sow the seeds of a prosperous and rewarding future. ./ More multimedia filesVideo of the inauguration of the library...


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iecr EMT will reinforce 27 bus lines and the entire night network
« Réponse #33 le: Mars 29, 2024, 10:06:55 pm »
Nknm 8 reforms to get Andalusia out of socialist paralysis
The Equity area, nike dunks high Social Rights and Employment continues in the line of work of revitalizing and modernizing municipal markets to improve their quality and adapt them to the new demands of residents. Today, yeezys schuhe Tuesday, September 12, yeezy boost the Equity delegate, nike dunk sb Social Rights and Employment, dunk homme Marta Higueras, accompanied by the councilor of the Chamber铆 district, Jorge Garc铆a Casta帽o, have visited the conditioning works that are being carried out in the Vallehermoso municipal market, in which the City Council has invested in two years (2016 and 2017) close to 138,000 euros, through the call for subsidies for the modernization and revitalization intended to these public facilities. The Madrid City Council promotes collaborationpublic-private. Thanks to it, the Vallehermoso market has experienced significant growth following the modernization plan promoted by the new management of this public facility and by the Department of Commerce and Entrepreneurship. Currently, the 62 market stalls are occupied and, in addition, the tax problems that occurred some time ago have been solved, thus leaving a healthy trade. This market, built in the 1930s and with an original reddish fa莽ade, has a varied offering. in which traditional meat, fish and fruit stalls are combined with more innovative ones thanks to the investment of new entrepreneurial merchants. A facility that also presents a variety of Spanish and international cuisine thanks to the original bars that have opened their doors there. For the director of Commerce and Entrepreneurship 鈥渋n lThe revitalization of the market has been decisive in incorporating tasting activities from all...


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Zhmi The regional government will collaborate with the Carranque City Council for the conservation
The Deputy Minister of Education, new balance femme Universities and Research, adidas campus verde Mar铆a Dolores L贸pez, adidas campus blanche inaugurated this morning the exhibition 'Translucent Africa', newbalance 530 which is on display in the blue room of the Museum of Guadalajara, newbalance 550 in the Palacio del Infantado, and which will remain open until November 1. The exhibition is part of the events that the Museum will host throughout this month with the common link of the African continent. In fact, next Thursday, the 6th, the programming of the 'Africa' project will begin. The door next door', promoted by Juan Jos茅 Andr茅u and which has a varied program of conferences, workshops and other activities aimed at focusing on life on the African continent, through its people, its fauna, its flora , their customs or their culture in general. The exhibition inaugurated this morning offers thirty real photographszated by Concha Casaj煤s, graduate and doctor in Art History, graduate in Artistic Photography, professor in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, professor in the Department of Art History III (Contemporary) of the Faculty of Geography and History of the Complutense University of Madrid. Casaj煤s has been traveling through Africa for more than three decades as an independent photographer, combining the development of photographic projects, exhibitions and the production of audiovisuals with university teaching and research. Her work is part of the Photography Collection of the Community of Madrid, the Provincial Council of Malaga, and the UNED. Selected and exhibited at the Arts stand of the Community of Madrid at the ARCO 2002 International Contemporary Art Fair. The exhibition 'Translucent Africa' offers its own and personal view of this continent, avoiding a cruel vision of contrasts, and opting for more poetic images. Along with the photographs, the exhibition offers talso an audiovisual with the same theme....


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Zspv The Government of Castilla-La Mancha allocates more than 3.6 million euros to courses
The president of Castilla-La Mancha, adidas campus blanche Emiliano Garc铆a-Page, adidas samba rose has inaugurated, stanley on this evening, adidas campus femme the exterior ornamental lighting of the Cathedral of 'Santa Mar铆a' de Sig眉enza, newbalance scarpe a performance that has efficiency and savings as its maximum and that uses the most advanced LED technology. At the event, the head of the regional government was accompanied by the president of the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha, Pablo Bellido; the president of the Guadalajara Provincial Council, Jos茅 Luis Vega; from the mayor of Sig眉enza, Mar铆a Jes煤s Merino; and the vicar general of the diocese of Guadalajara-Sig眉enza, Agust铆n Bugeda; among others. In her intervention, the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Rosa Ana Rodr铆guez, also present, highlighted that with this lighting 鈥渨e are shedding light on eight centuries of history, reinventing the physiognomy of the monumentnto and making what is beautiful, such as the Cathedral and everything it represents, something more beautiful.鈥?The counselor responsible for regional Culture has also stressed that this 鈥渋llumination is a kind of tribute to all those who built the Cathedral for so many centuries, as well as those who have worked, throughout history, so that today the we can contemplate with so much splendor.鈥?The keys to lighting The Cathedral had exterior lighting based on high-power discharge projectors located both in the building itself and on the facades of the adjacent buildings, even in staffs located in the gardens and cloisters that make up the cathedral complex. . This installation was obsolete and had a large number of lights out of service. The project has carried out uniform lighting, of a medium type, to avoid excess lighting in the area, respecting the environmental environment and, with it, the possible reflection to the environment.nearby that would cause the effect of light pollution. The design objectives of the new lighting have been to develop a...


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Zduw A resident of the Integrated Care Management of Albacete awarded in the XX
The president of Castilla-La Mancha, stanley-cup Emiliano Garc铆a-Page, adidas samba femme has inaugurated the improvement works on the CM-5007 between M茅ntrida and Valmojado, new balance hombre that affect 10, stanley 7 kilometers and to which the regional government has allocated more than 1, new balance beige 4 million euros. The Minister of Development, Agustina Garc铆a 脡lez, who accompanied the president on the visit, has assured that this Executive has invested, so far this term, more than 4.5 million euros in improvements to road safety over 3,618 kilometers , focusing especially on the remodeling of intersections, investment in infrastructure and horizontal and vertical signage, and 鈥渨ith the guarantee that investment is made to provide security for all neighbors.鈥?Likewise, she recalled that this action is 鈥渟omething that was not done in the last legislature, when the conservation and maintenance of roads was鈥淭hey were on paper, but in no case were they carried out.鈥?However, he highlighted that in the current mandate "we have been investing more, but not because we have more, but because with the same resources we have done different things thanks to the management carried out by the General Directorate of Roads and Transport of the Ministry of Development, always following the criteria of seeking efficiency and road safety.鈥?Garc铆a 脡lez has insisted that safety as a priority on the roads is something that is not only being recognized by the municipalities, but also by third parties, as is the case of the Spanish Road Association. This organization has recognized that 鈥淐astilla-La Mancha is the only autonomous community that has improved the quality of its roads during 2017鈥? as well as the National Road Safety Observatory, of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), has recognized that this region is the one that has seen the number of fatal accidents reduced the most, coSpecifically in the province of Toledo 37 percent less. 鈥淭hese are data that encourage us to continue working and continue investing,...


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Ofll Castilla-La Mancha consolidates its lowest unemployment rate since 2008 in the second t
鈥淪he was in a wheelchair, sneakers nb but she was flying and we were with her鈥? adidas samba og the regional president has stressed, adidas campus blau Emiliano Garc铆a-Page, adidas samba rose on the figure by Encarnaci贸n Rodr铆guez C谩ceres, adidas samba rose at the inauguration of the new Social Inclusion Center that bears his name in Albacete and managed by 'Amiab', the entity he presided over and of which he noted that "if it did not exist in the region "We would have to invent it," he concluded. For all these reasons, the head of the Castilian-Manchego Executive has committed and guaranteed the support of the regional Government to the entity, for performing 鈥渁 function that is essential for society and that is not always recognized,鈥?he stressed. Likewise, he has highlighted the 鈥渧ocational factor鈥?of this organization, which is 鈥渙ne that is taken as an example and reference,鈥?he insisted. President Garc铆a-Page has dedicated a good part of his intervention to remember Encarnaci贸n Rodr铆guez, who 鈥渋n a turbulent society like the current one鈥?constituted 鈥渁 light鈥?that indicated 鈥渢he correct path,鈥?he said. Likewise, she stressed that "it was not only that she had an immense heart, it was that she had talent, she had personal ability, she was the first to work, the first to demand", she highlighted who was designated, this same year, as Adoptive Daughter of Castilla-La Mancha. In this inauguration and 鈥渄eserved鈥?tribute ceremony held this afternoon, the head of the regional government thanked the work and spirit of those who currently continue the legacy of 鈥淓ncarna鈥? from which he added that 鈥渆normous energy, enormous raw material,鈥?he noted in the presence of the vice president of the National Amiab Association, Julio Maranch贸n; or the general director of the entity, Pedro Jes煤s S谩ez. Likewise, together with Garc铆a-Page, the Minister of Social Welfare, B谩rbara Garc铆a Torija, participated in this event.No; the delegate of the Board in Albacete, Pedro Antonio Ruiz Santos; the delegate of the Government in Castilla-La Mancha, Francisco Tierraseca; he...


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dxap Carmena is committed to a new policy, based on dialogue with the
« Réponse #38 le: Mars 31, 2024, 09:29:20 pm »
Thph Casado celebrates the agreement and points out that it represents an 鈥渁mendment鈥?to S谩's policy
Today the outdoor pools open, dunk nike low located in the twenty municipal sports centers, nike store dunk with an open day with free entry to all the summer venues. Until September 5, nike dunk nike the 60 glasses or basins for the bathroom will be operational from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The program developed for the season is completed with sports teachings during July and August, ciabatte yeezy aimed at all age groups. Along with the traditional swimming and multi-sport courses, other aquatic and sports activities will be developed, asics gel 1130 and a children's psychomotor program at the Moratalaz facility. All this offer for the same price as in 2009: the pool ticket for adults is 4.35 euros; the children's, 2.65 euros; that of young people, 3.50 euros, and that of olderIt is 65 years old, 1.35 euros. For people with disabilities, entry to municipal swimming pools is free with a special sports card. To make this offer of sports activities and services more accessible, there is a subscription, with an amount of 122.35 euros for adults, 73, 45 for children, 97.90 euros for young people and 36.75 euros for adults. This pass allows access to outdoor swimming pools and the use of multi-sports facilities, such as table tennis, skating and athletics tracks, in addition to free reservation of tennis courts - not including the rental fee -, and free registration for guided summer activities, but not the corresponding monthly fee. The City Council also maintains the Madrid Sports Pass rate, as well as the specific ones for young people, and the Multipurpose Voucher for ten sessions, for less frequent use., with a rate of 37.20 euros for adults, 22.35 euros for children, 29.80 euros for youth and 11.20 euros for adults...


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pkul Calvo in a simulated accident in the tunnels of Calle 30
« Réponse #39 le: Mars 31, 2024, 10:58:44 pm »
Fybt Villac铆s: 鈥淔reedom, the press and democracy are faces of a
To see the complete document click on "texts".More documentsOrder of the Day of the Government Board of the City of Madrid...


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Vzho The regional government demands that the national Executive comply with the commitments
A total of 70 Vocational Training students from Castilla-La Mancha will take this mobilities course within the Erasmus+ VET Training Together Consortium, new balance mujer as announced today by the Minister of Education, campus adidas schuhe Culture and Sports during the European Vocational Training Week organized by the IES Alfonso VIII in the capital of Cuenca. The Minister of Education, adidas original campus Culture and Sports, adidas campus blanche Amador Pastor, newbalance has explained that these mobilities will be to countries of the European Union to carry out their internship phase in companies with stays of 52 to 92 days. In addition, the mobility of 18 Vocational Training teachers to European Union countries is planned to carry out training courses and stays in companies. The destination countries are Germany, Italy, Ireland, Malta and Portugal. The centers involveds are the 麓IES Pe帽as Negras麓 of Mora, 麓Integrated Vocational Training Center No. 1 of Guadalajara麓, 麓Integrated Vocational Training Center No. 1麓 of Cuenca, 麓IES Ram贸n Giraldo麓 of Villanueva de los Infantes, 麓IES Carmen Burgos de Segu铆麓 from Alovera, 麓IES Professor Emilio Lled贸麓 from Numancia de la Sagra, 麓IES Puerta de Cuartos麓 from Talavera de la Reina, 麓IES Juli谩n Zarco麓 from Mota del Cuervo, 麓IES Santiago Grisol铆a麓 from Cuenca, 麓 IES Maestro Juan Rubio麓 from La Roda, 麓IES Ojos del Guadiana麓 from Daimiel, 麓IES San Blas麓 from A帽over de Tajo, 麓IES Montes de Toledo麓 from G谩lvez, 麓IES Al-Basit麓 from Albacete, 麓IES Garcilaso from La Vega麓 in Villaca帽as and the 麓IES Francisco Garc铆a Pav贸n麓 in Tomelloso. Amador Pastor explained that these stays "give them a projection beyond the professional skills that the centers study and bring the students closer to that system of professional qualifications that we want to strengthen from the European Union." The Minister of Education, Culture and Deportes has assured that Castilla-La Mancha 鈥渉as been able to create quality Vocational Training in line with progress and scientific innovations...


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Xrxl The regional government deactivates the Emergency Plan for Transportation of Goods
A total of 648 theater performances, nb balance music, adidas campus grigie dance and circus will take place in the theaters and auditoriums of the region during the development of the 'Spring 22' season of the Performing Arts Network and Musicals from Castilla-La Mancha. This was stated by the Minister of Education, adidas samba og Culture and Sports, nb balance Rosa Ana Rodr铆guez, adidas samba donna during the presentation, at a press conference, of the programming for this season that began on the 7th January and will run until June 30. Rodr铆guez has been accompanied in this presentation by the Vice Minister of Culture and Sports, Ana Mu帽oz; and by the Albacete singer Carmen Toledo 'Karmento', one of the participating artists. The counselor has indicated that there will be 123 companies that will launch a total of 143 shows in 184 municipalities attached to the network, in which it is planned to represent about650 performances. Rodr铆guez has also pointed out that, as in previous editions, a large majority of the companies participating in this 'Spring 22' are from the land. Specifically, there are 87 companies from Castilla-La Mancha that will be responsible for putting on up to 107 shows and 512 performances on our stages. 鈥淭his means that 70.73 percent of the companies that will act are from the region; 74.82 percent of the shows will be from Castilla-La Mancha and 79 percent of the performances will be from companies and professionals from our Autonomous Community,鈥?he stated. The counselor has assessed that the budget for this season amounts to almost 900,000 euros, which represents an increase of 9 percent (77,000 euros) compared to what was budgeted in the 'Spring 2020' campaign. And she wanted to highlight the increase in municipalities that have joined the Castilla-La Mancha Network of Performing and Musical Arts in 2022, 鈥渂eing 190 compared to 173 in 2022.鈥?21. This also represents an increase of 9 percent.鈥?Varied and quality offer Regarding the offer of this campaign, Rodr铆gue...


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smec Madrid at the Shanghai Expo 2010, an opportunity for the company
« Réponse #42 le: Avril 02, 2024, 09:08:37 pm »
Tkjg 60% more buses to cemeteries
Tourists who come to Madrid will have a specific document that lists the services that the city offers to its visitors, yeezy schuhe as well as their rights to receive adequate and quality care. The Charter of Tourist Information and Attention Services, nike dunkpanda prepared by the Madrid Tourist Board, yeezy 500 has been approved today by the City Government Board and represents a step forward in the purpose of the City Council of achieve higher levels of efficiency in the provision of services to travelers. In the Charter, in addition to the rights of users (the fundamental one, being attended to with respect by trained personnel and, if possible, in their language), the responsibilities of those who receive the services are also defined. attention, the mechanisms and modalities of tourist participation and a system of suggestions and complaints are determined.ones. The Charter of Services refers to the Tourist Information and Attention Services (SAIT), whose mission is to welcome tourists who arrive in Madrid and inform them of everything they may be interested in: accommodation, museums and culture, gastronomy, shops, transport, etc. These SAITs are the In-Person Attention Service, the Non-In-Person Attention Service, the Specialized Attention Service, the Self-Consultation Service, the 鈥淢adrid Vivo鈥?Service, the Discover Madrid Guided Tour Service and the Foreign Tourist Attention Service. (SATE).More multimedia filesAlberto Ruiz Gallard贸n reports on the Charter of Services for touristsMore documentsTourism Data 2006...


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vxsj Girls and boys from 4 to 12 years old make the most effete sweet
« Réponse #43 le: Avril 02, 2024, 10:29:00 pm »
Idoh Higueras presents the MFShow catwalks that will make Madrid the capital
The mayor, asics laufschuhe Ana Botella, asics gel kayano has presided over the institutional event organized by the City Council on the occasion of International Women's Day and held in the Assembly Hall of the Conde Duque Center. Representatives of all political groups participated in the event, dunk low in the course of which the mayor presented the scientist Margarita Salas with the Clara Campoamor Prize, new balance 574 in its seventh edition, newbalance 530 and has visited two exhibitions in the Centre. Two female names have joined together today in the commemorative event of International Women's Day, organized by the Madrid City Council and starring the mayor of the city Ana Botella: Clara Campoamor, the deputy who won the vote for women in 1931 and Margarita Salas, the scientist who today was awarded the prize that bears the name of the first. Specify meIt was the current mayor who, in 2006, when she was in charge of the Employment and Citizen Services Area, proposed the creation of this award that would be presented on March 8, a date that "is always a magnificent opportunity for remember the people who have been decisive in moving towards real equality of opportunities between men and women", in the words of Ana Botella. Clara Campoamor defended the implementation of the female vote in the Cortes of 1931, a battle that she ended up winning. "The women's vote was the political expression of a profound vision on a recurring theme in Spain then and always: the need to overcome our own resistance to definitively position ourselves in modernity," said the mayor. She understood that Spain's delay problem, "so debated by therations of '98 and '14, had one of its roots in the fact that half of the Spanish population, women, were not recognized...


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Rjpy The regional government is committed to promoting wine and viticulture in the provinces.
The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has been informed today by the Ministry of Culture that, adidas samba verte after completing the analysis of the tests carried out on the latest concrete samples from the Museum of Guadalajara, adidas samba rose the technicians of the Center for Studies and Experimentation of Public Works (CEDEX) have determined that the structure of the Palace does not show signs of aluminosis except in one of its galleries. The technical studies have been carried out during the months of August, new balance femme September and October to determine the presence of aluminous cement in the floors of the Palacio del Infantado. These works completed those carried out in 2017 in the so-called Poniente or Garden Gallery, new balance 740 , in whose floor on the first floor the presence of this type of material had been detected. According to the studies carried out, adidas campus 80s has finally only been detected.ia of aluminous cement in the joists of the first level slab in the Poniente Gallery. The work has consisted of opening holes in the floor or ceiling of different points of the building in order to recognize different floors of the building and extract samples for analysis in the laboratory. Although it has been possible to observe the presence of a great variety of forgings, corresponding to the different phases of reform and reconstruction of this palace, in a first preview of the results of the analysis, the CEDEX technicians who carried out the study have reported that no has detected the presence of calcium aluminate cement, which corresponds to the types of ribs observed and the visual appearance of the concrete in these elements. After completing the analysis of the tests carried out on the latest concrete samples, the Ministry of Culture and Sports is waiting to receive the final report of results where these tests will be collected, as well asas the results of the inspection of the coves made in the building but it can already be said that the structure of the palace does not present...