Purchase of our services and products
What message would you like to leave. Preparing your own memorial has several advantages without being a will you leave your digital footprint for eternity.
This memorial will be forever accessible at the gravesite via the LOGIKMEMORIAL digital plaque installed on the monument or simply via our website. In addition to the history of the deceased, you will find all the information such as videos, photos and anecdotes that you want to share in order to leave a message to the next generation. Invite your deceased relatives and friends from different cemeteries and you can add them to the gathering link of this package.
This new invented way to pay tribute to your deceased loved ones, as a complement to the Gathering Package, features the most powerful way of unlimited interaction, in order to perpetuate the memory of the deceased; Your QR code will include all the information provided and available to the added history of the deceased, his memories, photos, videos (videos of ceremonies, videos made by the deceased during his lifetime), anecdotes to which you can add your comments or simply create one and share them with your loved ones, who just like you, will be notified via email of new activities that you will be able to view and comment.
Soon available, but you can still get an increased package immediately by purchasing one of our services.
Coming soon, be the first to be notified sign up for our letter info.
Alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurocognitive disorders and encourage research into the causes, treatments and a cure. Did you know that for every package purchased (except for the Benefits Plus package) $5 will be donated to your local Alzheimer’s Society.

To create the memorial
Use the form specifically included in the chosen package, simply follow the fields to fill in.
Today, obituaries are simply funeral announcements and a list of names of family members. Modern obituaries become the history of the deceased include precious memories, funny stories and important details featuring the joys and good times of a life lived. Logikmemorial goes even further to be unifying and allows you to add comments, photos to existing anecdotes, you will receive messages directly to all loved ones and family emails, Logikmemorial can also direct you to the deceased’s gravesite via geo-location.
“A good memorial tells a unique story and reflects the personality of the person it commemorates”
To create the memorial, you will obviously need to tell us the name, dates of birth or death of the deceased, You can then access your memorial, customize it and put your photos, videos and texts. Once you are satisfied with the appearance and content of the memorial, following the production of the story (card) of your deceased by LOGIKMEMORIAL you can invite family and friends. For a memorial open to all, you can simply send them the address of the site. Otherwise, use the “register your email” feature offered by logikmemorial.com and indicate the email addresses of the persons you wish to gather around the memory of the deceased. An invitation will automatically be sent to them, so that they too can interact by adding comments, adding photos memories to share to allow the story of the deceased to be perpetuated to other generations.
- Ask your deceased’s siblings for their best memories of growing up.
- Ask your children to tell you about a time when their deceased father or other close person made them feel special.
- Gather your mother’s grandchildren and ask them to share what they loved most about their grandmother.
- Call former classmates and teachers and ask them about the qualities and skills your brother had.
Once you have gathered all the information, you can start writing the memorial and return it to us for production including all the documents you want, photos videos anecdotes and others.

Additional files
To send us all your additional files, please, classify them by nature, texts, photos, videos, musics, each one in different folders, the whole can be compressed or not, then pass by one of the two services below to send them to us.
Free and fastWeTransfer is a cloud-based file transfer service founded in 2009 in Amsterdam. This website allows you to send files up to 2 GB with the free version. wetransfer.com
The fastest methodDropbox is an online local file storage and sharing service offered by Dropbox, Inc. located in San Francisco, California. dropbox.com
If you would like to send us additional information on your unlimited interactive or gathering package.
- Compressors
If you want to compress the archives (photos or other documents) to be sent to us, you can do it with utilities, here is a selection according to your operating system. [link] Photo cataloger
To manage hundreds of photos or even more, you need a cataloger, which will allow you to make a selection, here is a link that references the best free software to sort and manage photos. [link]
To send us the geo-location of your loved one’s grave, nothing could be easier with your smart phone. Take a picture of your loved one’s grave after activating the GPS function, if you haven’t already done so. Follow the guide, it’s very simple on both iPhone and Android. [Link]. Then send us the photo by email (admin@logikmemorial.com).